Want lush Basil? Try this Gardener’s trick
Basil is one of the most popular herbs to grow, but it can be frustrating when plants bolt or die off quickly. I’m here to share my secret weapon for keeping basil thriving year after year—and by that, I mean over a decade of continuous harvests!
When I first started growing herbs, I struggled with basil, like many novice gardeners. It seemed no matter what I did, the plants would fizzle out after a few months. That all changed when I discovered this simple trick passed down from my green-thumbed grandmother.

The key is taking cuttings regularly and rooting them to form new plants. As long as you maintain a stock of basil rooted from cuttings, you can harvest leaves to your heart’s content without worrying about the plants declining.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to perpetuating your basil crop:
- Start with healthy basil plants in pots. Water them well and give them plenty of sun.
- Once the plants are established at 6–8 inches tall, take 4-6 inch stem cuttings by snipping just below a node (where leaves meet the stem).
- Remove the lower leaves so only the top few inches remain. Place the cuttings in a glass of water and keep them in the indirect sun. Roots will form within 10–14 days.
- Once the cuttings have rooted, transplant each one to its own small pot and continue caring for them like the mother plants.
- Repeat the process every 2–4 weeks, taking new cuttings to replace plants as needed. Over time, you’ll build up a large stock of basil!

By continually propagating new plants from cuttings, you maintain a perpetual supply without risk of your basil patch ever dying out. It’s so easy, and you’ll enjoy the benefits for many harvest seasons to come.

Give this trick a try, and you’ll be harvesting homegrown basil for over a decade, just like I have. The flavor just keeps getting better with age! Let me know if you have any other herb-growing questions.